Centre for Antibiotic Allergy and Research
@CAAR_Aus | +61394964572

Collaborative health services and translational research program focused on drug hypersensitivity and antibiotic allergy
Centre for Antibiotic Allergy and Research
@CAAR_Aus | +61394964572
Collaborative health services and translational research program focused on drug hypersensitivity and antibiotic allergy
CAAR leads and collaborates on a range of clinical and translational antibiotic allergy research programs, based at Austin Health and University of Melbourne. It focuses on antibiotic allergy programs and development of novel ex vivo T-cell diagnostics for severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCAR)
We provide antibiotic and penicillin allergy skin testing for all phenotypes at both Austin Health and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Click below for referral form to either clinical site.
Amazing workshop completed in 2021. Stay tuned we will be back in 2022!
Our Penicillin Allergy Clinical Decision Rule now available via QxMD!
Better Care Victoria (BCV) Innovation fund has published the results of the Penicillin Allergy Program!
#SoMe creation from @CAAR_Aus
New patient information for low risk penicillin allergies available
A list of up to date publications from CAAR affiliated authors
Please send us a message or call us for more details on antibiotic allergy
145 Studley Road, Heidelberg Victoria 3084, Australia
Department of Infectious Diseases, Austin Health Phone: +61394964572 Fax: +61394966677 Email: antibiotic.allergy@austin.org.au Twitter: @CAAR_Aus
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
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